July 11, 2010

Travels: 22 miles driving around (7883 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at Bartlesville, OK

We spent the night at the Craig’s house last night, since the kids were all cozy and asleep. We woke up, got ready, and went to church. Then, the Craigs’ kids came back to the trailer for lunch so Kourtney and Kyle could get ready for their open house solo. After some fruit and PB&J, they cozied up in our bed and watched Bolt.

Later, Kourtney and Kyle came over and the four of us had some lunch, then Kourtney and I went to a friend’s jewelry party for a bit. When we got back we all loaded up – the older girls went to Campbell’s friend’s house for a bit while the rest of us drove around and looked at some houses (the Craigs are in the market) after making an exciting stop for RV toilet paper at Walmart.

We wrapped up the day with a great taco salad Kourtney made and some frozen custard for desert. Kenz spent the night again, and the rest of us headed back to the trailer for bedtime.

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