Travels: 74 miles driving around (2917 total miles) Accommodations: Continued at the Nassutt home
We all slept in a bit today – nice to catch up on some missing sleep! Then, off to the house for breakfast- eggs, bacon, homemade brown bread, fruit, and coffee. Dave went to work again at a neighbor’s house this time. The kids played inside and outside. Mackenzie learned how to crochet from Oma and Omie – pretty neat. She crocheted some cute bracelets. We again had a “coffee break” of torta and coffee. Then, an early dinner of chicken, potatoes, gravy, green beans, carrots… It was quite tasty. And the kids slurped down bowls of cooked fruit from Oma’s 2009 garden.
After dinner, we went on a drive to Red Canyon Lookout. This looks out over Flaming Gorge and its deep red canyons. On the way there we saw some deer, and we were lucky to see the tiniest baby deer I have ever seen with her mother – it was amazing to see how slowly the mother moved to let her baby keep up with her and to let the baby nurse along the way. It was very neat- the kids loved it too! Dave and Kenz got out of the car to hide behind a tree to take some pictures. It was neat to watch my ever growing independent six year old quietly walk through a meadow, hide behind a tree, and then climb onto a stump to get the picture she wanted.
After checking out the view at Red Canyon we saw tons of deer and elk on our way back to Manila. It was fun to spot them!
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May 31, 2010
Travels: 74 miles driving around (2917 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at the Nassutt home
After dinner, we went on a drive to Red Canyon Lookout. This looks out over Flaming Gorge and its deep red canyons. On the way there we saw some deer, and we were lucky to see the tiniest baby deer I have ever seen with her mother – it was amazing to see how slowly the mother moved to let her baby keep up with her and to let the baby nurse along the way. It was very neat- the kids loved it too! Dave and Kenz got out of the car to hide behind a tree to take some pictures. It was neat to watch my ever growing independent six year old quietly walk through a meadow, hide behind a tree, and then climb onto a stump to get the picture she wanted.
After checking out the view at Red Canyon we saw tons of deer and elk on our way back to Manila. It was fun to spot them!