Travels: 33 miles driving around (5271 total miles) Accommodations: Continued at Bryce Canyon
It was nice waking up in such a beautiful forest. We ate some banana, chocolate chip pancakes in the morning – great breakfast EXCEPT we were in dire need of some Graham oranges to accompany them!
At about the time the pancakes were coming off the griddle Dave found a new camping spot – these campgrounds are mostly first-come first-served, so if we wanted to move to a flatter spot, we needed to hustle. He had the older two kids sit in the spot until he could pay and get a ticket for it :). We ate breakfast and then packed up and moved 2 spots away. Now, the campground was great and this spot was great. Mason couldn’t get enough of the outdoors and loved camping here.
We let the kids play for a bit and then went out in the truck to explore the park. We saw the cool and fascinating hoodoos that make Bryce so famous. There are some fun looking trails you can take that wander through the formations, but we opted to wait until they are older and skip the chance of any of them running off the mountain. We saw some antelope, prairie dogs, and headed back for camp.
Dave desperately needed to work, and we did not have any wi-fi, so he headed off to spend the day in the lobby of Ruby’s Inn. The kids were beyond cranky from a late night, and I was in a crabby Friday funk that I couldn’t shake. We had a rough time at the trailer – tried a variety of different activities, rest, etc. nothing worked. Finally, Dave got home at 5:30, the kids played outside a bit more, Mason climbed a tree for awhile, and then and we ate a spaghetti dinner. Then, the kids went to bed, I took some downtime reading and journaling, and Dave went back to the Inn to work. Tomorrow is another day!
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June 18, 2010
Travels: 33 miles driving around (5271 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at Bryce Canyon
At about the time the pancakes were coming off the griddle Dave found a new camping spot – these campgrounds are mostly first-come first-served, so if we wanted to move to a flatter spot, we needed to hustle. He had the older two kids sit in the spot until he could pay and get a ticket for it :). We ate breakfast and then packed up and moved 2 spots away. Now, the campground was great and this spot was great. Mason couldn’t get enough of the outdoors and loved camping here.
We let the kids play for a bit and then went out in the truck to explore the park. We saw the cool and fascinating hoodoos that make Bryce so famous. There are some fun looking trails you can take that wander through the formations, but we opted to wait until they are older and skip the chance of any of them running off the mountain. We saw some antelope, prairie dogs, and headed back for camp.
Dave desperately needed to work, and we did not have any wi-fi, so he headed off to spend the day in the lobby of Ruby’s Inn. The kids were beyond cranky from a late night, and I was in a crabby Friday funk that I couldn’t shake. We had a rough time at the trailer – tried a variety of different activities, rest, etc. nothing worked. Finally, Dave got home at 5:30, the kids played outside a bit more, Mason climbed a tree for awhile, and then and we ate a spaghetti dinner. Then, the kids went to bed, I took some downtime reading and journaling, and Dave went back to the Inn to work. Tomorrow is another day!