May 18, 2010

Travels: 0 (praise the Lord!), but 85 miles of driving around (1080 total miles)
Accommodations: Armitage County Park; full hookups

We had such a great time in Eugene with friends and our rad campsite; we decided to stay another day. We had a yummy breakfast; I went on a jog/walk; the kids played between rain showers and we all got showers or baths. We fished for a bit on the McKenzie and then ran errands which was a wild goose chase as we traversed the confusing roads/bridges/highways – Chevy for seatbelt extenders, Trader Joe’s (groceries are cheaper than back home), Home Depot, REI, Goodwill for some books for Kenz and a rain jacket.

Courtney: Sitting on the bank of the McKenzie as Dave fished with the kids and Marin attempted to throw rocks into the river was a highlight for me today. As was another dinner with Chris and Kristin at their cute house in downtown Eugene. It was so good to reconnect with old friends!

Kids: “We built a fort in the little room at Chris and Kristin’s.” Mason lifted up a couch – so strong. “We played in the rain.” “I fished all by myself.” (Mackenzie) Marin has a fever now – the mysterious fever sickness. Kenz, “Did you not disconnect the poop tube?”

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