Travels: 17 miles driving around (7681 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at Bartlesville, OK
We spent another night with the Craigs and woke up to play… We got ready and got out of the house for the day. Dave went to the hospital with Kyle to visit a patient while Kourtney and I went to the trailer with the six kids – I cleaned up, and she entertained them. Then, we went out to lunch at a BBQ place called Dink’s – it was quite tasty! Try adding jalapenos to a pulled pork sandwich with coleslaw. Then, Kourtney and I took the kids to see the 3D Shrek movie while Kyle and Dave worked and the little ones took naps.
After the movie, I cut up 15 pounds of peaches that I had bought in Texas (you know Texas peaches?), and we got dinner ready. Menu: balsamic vinaigrette dressed salad with roasted veggies, crumbled goat cheese and cherry smoked bacon with cornbread and fruit salad. Then, we celebrated the 4th of July observed with some fireworks we bought at a stand. The kids thought it was great. Irresponsible parents didn’t put shoes on Mason who stepped on a spark and has a little blister. Sad! We had some peach cobbler out on the deck in the warm Bartlesville summer evening air, packed up and went back to the trailer for bedtime! Such a nice weekend!
July 6, 2010
Travels: 6 miles driving around (7687 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at Bartlesville, OK
This morning I woke up to my alarm at 5:15am!!!! Can you believe that? I barely can. Why, you may ask? Kourtney asked if I wanted to go to the spinning class she teaches and I of course said yes. I needed a workout and accountability. I was a bit nervous having never done spinning and not being much of a bike rider, BUT I know it is a good workout, and I need that! So, I popped out of bed to avoid waking the rest of the trailer occupants and got dressed. Kourtney came to pick me up in the pouring rain just after 5:30, and we headed to the YMCA.
After pumping some iron (grossly exaggerating my pre-workout), I headed to her spinning class. Now friends, let me tell you, this is not an easy form of exercise. It lasted 52 minutes and boy was I counting down the minutes as my legs burned with each pump. Warm-up, sprints (really fast), standing pedaling (excruciatingly hard), more sprints, jumps (stand, sit, stand, sit…), hills (slower and lots of resistance), finally around minute 50 we moved to a cool down and stretch. Great workout! Great teacher! Fun times – I would for sure do it again.
After class, still pouring, Kourtney dropped me back off at the trailer to my sleeping family. Around 7:30 the kids got up (many late nights have left me with very tired kids!) We hurried to get ready and get to the Craig’s house by 8:20 so the older girls could get to tennis lessons on time. Kourtney took them, since it was still raining, and I stayed with the littler ones. Mackenzie had a great time! Although, she identified that she did not actually play tennis just practice.
The rain seemed to cease a bit, so we decided to venture out with the six kids to Walmart to get a swim vest deal for Marin and some stuff Kourtney needed. By the time we had checked out the rain was down pouring. Kourtney pulled the car up to the curb to load up the kids, by the time we were done we were both soaked. My hair was dripping with water and our clothes were drenched. Fun times!
Back at the Craig’s we had a mellow day – naps, playtime, Dave got a haircut, and we made dinner – lasagna, salad, fruit (with Graham oranges, yummy Texas peaches, and blueberries), and bread. After baths, we loaded up in the truck and tucked the kids in at the trailer.
Kyle had invited Dave to observe a delivery, and just after 9 he called Dave to let him know he was leaving for the hospital. Dave met Kyle there, hopped into some scrubs, and got to see a little girl being born.
Dave: Many of you have heard me say that I want to observe a delivery without being emotionally attached, and I finally got my chance. It was a lot different being a fly on the wall, but quite emotional nonetheless. I can’t wait to do it again.