Travels: 65 miles driving around (4887 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at OK RV Park
Gosh, I swear I wake up every morning ready to sleep longer – is it the bed? outside noises? busy days? late nights? I do look forward to sleeping in a standard walled home in my comfy (regular length) bed!
So, woke up this morning, and when I finally rolled out of bed we ate some muffins and fruit, packed up lunches, got ready (which always seems to take 10x longer than you expect, moms are you with me here?), and headed out to explore Arches National Park. We were very thankful that it was only 70 degrees when we headed out around 10:30 – it got warmer, but it stayed in the high 70s. We drove around the beautiful park, stopped at some scenic points for photos, and then went on a hike in Devil’s Garden. We walked about 3 miles on red rock, gravel, and red fine sand looking at all the arches. Again, another breathtaking place – got to love these amazing places. Sand stone refined by the small amount of water that runs off of them every year (9 inches a year). The kids had a blast and were exhausted! Mason loves to traverse the off road areas. We also saw some interesting lizards – they seem to be all over this area. My youngest brother would have been all over catching them.
After a bit of lunch in the parking lot, we made our way back to our campground. After popsicles, the kids had some down time watching a movie, Marin took a nap, and Dave worked.
Dinner Menu: chili with cheese and jalapenos, cornbread, watermelon, veggies
Mouse Update: One of the traps caught the last mouse last night. Yeah!!
June 16, 2010
Travels: 60 miles driving around (4947 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at OK RV Park
Another slow morning, got to love it after busy days and too often late nights. I was asking myself this morning why Dave and I have so many late nights and realized that we fill our days with sightseeing, Dave works, playing with the kids, etc. So, the night is the only time to take care of business and anything we want to do in the quiet of the evenings. Anyways, we are tired today and going to bed early tonight.
Back to the trailer, Marin took a nap, the kids watched Lady & the Tramp, Dave worked, and I got dinner ready and did a bit of reading. Ah, the joys of quiet afternoons at home (“home” used loosely). But, home is where the heart is right?
Dinner: Chicken, rice, broccoli bake with Parmesan crust, green salad with vinaigrette, corn bread, and fruit salad.
Courtney: “Kids can be so flexible; it has amazed me. I make sure they get enough sleep and if they don’t one day I adjust the next day. I make sure they eat good healthy food at regular times. We kiss and hug them, laugh with them and talk with them. We discipline them consistently. But other than that every day for us is completely different. Some days spent in the car. Some days out exploring. Visiting a variety of people – some they know and most they don’t, and not always families with kids. Times when they have to be quiet in the trailer because Dave is working or Marin is napping. Times when they have to be quiet in the car for a business call. Times when it rains so much they don’t get to run around outside. They all sleep in a tiny little room together. The girls share a bed. And the number of conflicts has been minimal. They adjust and readjust and bounce back from whatever. They have the greatest little attitudes about whatever we do and however each day goes. Kids are more flexible and resilient that you can imagine.”