June 16, 2010

Travels: 60 miles driving around (4947 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at OK RV Park

Another slow morning, got to love it after busy days and too often late nights. I was asking myself this morning why Dave and I have so many late nights and realized that we fill our days with sightseeing, Dave works, playing with the kids, etc. So, the night is the only time to take care of business and anything we want to do in the quiet of the evenings. Anyways, we are tired today and going to bed early tonight.

So, back to today. Today is a VERY WINDY day (35 mph or so) and warm, so I think we had a lot of inside time. This morning, Dave gave Mason a haircut – it looks pretty good. After the barber shop closed, we went on a short drive out to Canyonlands National Park. It was pretty, dry, very deserty. After all the breathtaking beauty our eyes have taken in over the past few days, it didn’t quite compete, so it was a short trip. On the way back, we stopped for ice cream (Dave’s treat for Mason after the long haircut and to reward his cooperation) at a place called Moab Creamery. The kids enjoyed their ice cream and Dave and I got a Falaco (cross between a Falafel and a taco). If you are ever in Moab stop and get this delicious treat and only $2.50. {Tortilla, organic lettuces, tomatoes, red onion, Falafel nuggets, with a Tahini sauce over it, lime squeezed on top}

Back to the trailer, Marin took a nap, the kids watched Lady & the Tramp, Dave worked, and I got dinner ready and did a bit of reading. Ah, the joys of quiet afternoons at home (“home” used loosely). But, home is where the heart is right?

Dinner: Chicken, rice, broccoli bake with Parmesan crust, green salad with vinaigrette, corn bread, and fruit salad.

Courtney: “Kids can be so flexible; it has amazed me. I make sure they get enough sleep and if they don’t one day I adjust the next day. I make sure they eat good healthy food at regular times. We kiss and hug them, laugh with them and talk with them. We discipline them consistently. But other than that every day for us is completely different. Some days spent in the car. Some days out exploring. Visiting a variety of people – some they know and most they don’t, and not always families with kids. Times when they have to be quiet in the trailer because Dave is working or Marin is napping. Times when they have to be quiet in the car for a business call. Times when it rains so much they don’t get to run around outside. They all sleep in a tiny little room together. The girls share a bed. And the number of conflicts has been minimal. They adjust and readjust and bounce back from whatever. They have the greatest little attitudes about whatever we do and however each day goes. Kids are more flexible and resilient that you can imagine.”

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June 15, 2010

Travels: 65 miles driving around (4887 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at OK RV Park

Gosh, I swear I wake up every morning ready to sleep longer – is it the bed? outside noises? busy days? late nights? I do look forward to sleeping in a standard walled home in my comfy (regular length) bed!

So, woke up this morning, and when I finally rolled out of bed we ate some muffins and fruit, packed up lunches, got ready (which always seems to take 10x longer than you expect, moms are you with me here?), and headed out to explore Arches National Park. We were very thankful that it was only 70 degrees when we headed out around 10:30 – it got warmer, but it stayed in the high 70s. We drove around the beautiful park, stopped at some scenic points for photos, and then went on a hike in Devil’s Garden. We walked about 3 miles on red rock, gravel, and red fine sand looking at all the arches. Again, another breathtaking place – got to love these amazing places. Sand stone refined by the small amount of water that runs off of them every year (9 inches a year). The kids had a blast and were exhausted! Mason loves to traverse the off road areas. We also saw some interesting lizards – they seem to be all over this area. My youngest brother would have been all over catching them.

After a bit of lunch in the parking lot, we made our way back to our campground. After popsicles, the kids had some down time watching a movie, Marin took a nap, and Dave worked.

Dinner Menu: chili with cheese and jalapenos, cornbread, watermelon, veggies

Mouse Update: One of the traps caught the last mouse last night. Yeah!!

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June 14, 2010

Travels: Grand Junction, CO to Moab, UT – 109 miles (4822 total miles)
Accommodations: OK RV Park – full hookups

We woke up late – sometime around 9am – after a long, late night. Since we had no idea what the area looked like, we were pleasantly surprised with a beautiful, clean campground overlooking the red rock cliffs that we had driven through the night before on the scary, scenic night drive. We sat outside in the cool air and appreciated blue skies, the sun, red dirt, and the red cliffs that surrounded us.

After we cleaned up, Mason took the girls and I on a “walk”. I thought we would just walk around the asphalt road that looped around the campground. My sweet little four-year old had other things in mind. As I proceeded down the smooth loop, he directed us otherwise and lead us off-road to maneuver around low hanging trees, large rocks, and the like. We had to jump off of rocks and slide down small embankments. He was loving it. I was thinking that flip-flops were not the best choice for our “walk”. Finally, I convinced him we had to turn around and find Papa – good thing as the mountain was getting steeper. Love his adventurous spirit and desire to have control of our little adventure. We pulled out of this spot around noon and headed down the shorter side of the NOW scenic drive into Fruita, CO (how do you pronounce this, anyone?).

We picked up some groceries, gas, and of course the mouse traps. Set the mouse traps in the heater vents, and rolled out of Fruita on our way to Moab. And yes, we did know where we were staying tonight.

We took the 70 west to the 128, an alternate route into Moab. I know I said that the views and landscapes yesterday were amazing. Once again today we had breathtaking views. Red rocks, the wide Colorado River, blue skies, Fisher Tower – this was a magnificent canyon to drive through.

We pulled into a surprisingly great site at the OK RV Park outside of Moab, Utah around 4:30 pm. Had a fancy dinner of hot dogs, mac and cheese, veggies and hummus, and watermelon slices on the picnic table outside our trailer and enjoyed our FIRST day of no rain, comfortable temperatures, and a gorgeous view.

Marin: “Sissy look up the hill.” {Even Marin knew that there was something majestic about these mountains; she kept pointing at them and talking about them.}

Mason: “I’m just going to play Angry Birds with my finger. I just hit one of the green pigs.” {Connor?}

Mackenzie: “It IS the Colorado River.”

Dave: If I was as emotional as Courtney wished I was, I would have cried today when we came around the corner and saw the following. The picture doesn’t show the Colorado River right next to the road, or the sheer canyon around us – you can barely make out giant red columns and the snow-capped mountains in the distance. Best sight yet.

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June 13, 2010

Travels: Castle Rock, CO to Grand Junction, CO – 335 miles (4713 total miles)
Accommodations: Colorado National Monument – no services

Today was a very interesting and segmented day, so it will be written in “parts”:

Part I

We woke up to another rainy day – supposedly this is a rarity in this area – and headed off to meet Jenny and Tim for breakfast in Castle Pines. It was so nice to see family. Jenny and I talk and spend a lot of time together, so I have missed her a lot. It was a great time catching up and a yummy breakfast. We drove with them up to Daniel’s Park and saw nothing but cloud cover – solid white! Quite different from when we were there. Then, we stopped by to say good-bye to Carlie and Sean and the kids. We had such a wonderful time visiting with them, they spoiled us rotten – fun outings, great cooking (Carlie!!), cozy home to hang out in, pool, museum, going out… Thanks you guys for putting much of your life on hold to hang out over the week and a half!! And boy were my kids sad to leave them. The five of our kids got along so well together! It was fun to see them interact and sad to see them say good-bye.

Marin: “The trailer is hooked up behind us.” {Such sentence development – remember she is 2}

Part II

After goodbyes, we headed back to Jellystone to pack up and head out. The rain seemed to settle down which was a blessing since we were both worried about the weather predictions for this leg of our trip (including snow and ice!). We packed up, cleaned up, and hooked up the trailer. All cozy in the truck we headed N on I-25 and towards the 70 and west.

This drive was beautiful, driving through the ski resort area of Colorado. Beautiful mountains, snow still out, pine trees, rock, and it snowed on us! We stopped in Breckenridge to look around. We walked up and down their main street, ate some delicious crepes at a little crepe shack, and it snowed on us again!! We had a lot of fun playing around the town. Around 5:30, we got back on the road not quite sure where we were going to spend the night.

The drive was absolutely gorgeous! I highly recommend taking a trip that leads you down the 70 at some point! Amazing landscape with the high Rocky Mountains jutting up all around you, aspens and pines galore, snow, green grasses, rivers… The landscape changed past Vail somewhat – different trees and such. We drove through Glenwood Canyon which we couldn’t believe, over the longest bridge, through the longest tunnel, continuing on the longest bridge as we drove along the Colorado River. We stopped to take pictures and were just in awe of God’s amazing creation and the way man had constructed a road right through it.

We finally figured out Walmart in Grand Junction wouldn’t work (city ordinance) and couldn’t find anything great and cheap, so we ended up going to Colorado National Monument ($10 a night, no hook-ups). We headed through the gates and up the dark hill around 11pm.

Part III

Let us all note that scenic drives are wonderful and also often include windy roads and steep drop-offs. So, unknowingly we headed out on a “scenic drive” in the pitch black night on the way to our campsite. Our directions to the campsite turned out to be directions to the park entrance, and we were rather disheartened when we saw it was another 19 miles to the campground.

We wound up the 20 mph switch backs, through tunnels (driving in the center as the trailer was too tall for our lane), and next to an edge diving literally hundreds of feet into a black abyss. Maybe a bit dramatic BUT let’s remember IT IS LATE, WE ARE TIRED, WE HAVE NO CLUE WHERE WE ARE GOING and SCENIC DRIVES AT NIGHT ARE SCARY! Finally, over an hour later (19 miles = 1 hour) we pulled into the very nice and quiet campground and found a spot. Ahhh, now we can relax and go to sleep…

Part IV

It was just before midnight when I took the kids into the trailer as Dave set us up. I tucked them into bed, and “OH MY GOSH!” saw a mouse run past me (yes, inside the trailer!). Dave quickly responded to me yell, “Dave, mouse!” and we started moving stuff around to get rid of the mouse and what did we see? As Dave lifted up a basket holding his waders another mouse fell out and scurried off into the bathroom. We threw that basket out the door when we realized it was where the mice had come from! In Colorado we had put the waders under the trailer. Sure enough when Dave took a peek inside his waders there was a little nest – included in the mess of fuzz and sticks was the snake skin that Carlie had given us.

We spent the next two hours chasing one mouse out of the trailer and watching the other escape to the heater vent and not come out no matter what we tried. We duct taped the heater vents and finally went to sleep – in the morning we would get mouse traps.

Good night friends. So tired.

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June 12, 2010

Travels: 149 miles driving around (4378 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at Jellystone RV Park, Castle Rock, CO

Last nights rained continued until today. After a filling and delicious breakfast at the Leach’s home and visiting with Sean’s parents who do a lot of RV traveling and have many great tips to share.

We then headed off for a day of errands. We were in search of these wall hanging, bungy net deals we need for clothes organization – no luck! But, we did find a Bass Pro Shops to spend a couple hours. It is like a museum with all the stuffed game, huge fish tank, and on Saturdays they have a lot of kid activities.  Dave also may have enjoyed it quite a bit. A great rainy day outing! We also stopped by REI, The Container Store, and Sears in search of some trailer organization items. Then, some Mexican food with the Leach Fam and back to the trailer for bedtime.

Mackenzie: “Let in that good clean air.”
Mom: “What do you mean?”
Mackenzie: “We don’t have air like that in California.”
{It must have been the crisp clean air from the rainy days??}

Marin: “Excuse me, I burped.”
Marin: “I 20,000 burped me.”
{Where does she get this stuff?}

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June 11, 2010

Travels: 63 miles driving around (4299 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at Jellystone RV Park, Castle Rock, CO

We had a mellow morning in the trailer- playing, reading books, and Dave worked. After lunch, I took the kids to The Wildlife Experience museum in Parker, CO with Carlie and her friend and their kids. It was a great kid museum – great hands-on activities, fun and creative exhibits, and a very interesting movie on Dolphins and Whales – the kids loved it!

Then, we stopped by a great park in Castle Pines to let the kids and mamas play. We left just as it started rainy – nice call Connor. We went back to Carlie’s and got ready to go out – JUST ADULTS!. The kids had two babysitters, pizza, popsicles, and sleeping bags. They were set, and Dave and I after having almost NO kid-less time in the last month were excited to go to downtown Denver (Lo Do Denver).

We left around 5:30 and took the light rail (E Line) to Denver from a stop near Carlie and Sean’s house. We went out to dinner at a cool place called Zengo (it is a Richard Sandoval restaurant and there are different ones around the US) – an Asian/Mexican Fusion restaurant. The food was absolutely amazing!! Still dreaming about a couple of the dishes. Don’t you love it when you go to a restaurant that is that good?

After dinner, we went for a stroll down the fun LoDo area- as we headed out it started to sprinkle and as we continued on it started to rain and then rain sideways. Carlie and I were wearing rain jackets over light “cute” tops accompanied with the SoCal fav of flip-flops. The guys had shoes but no rain jackets. We had some handy purse size umbrellas, but the rain was successful at dampening us quite a bit. By the time we turned around on our little sight-seeing walk and headed toward our next stop we were moving at a pace similar to a trot.

Escaping the rain, we went to one of the most fun places I have ever been – Sing Sing – a mix of piano and other instruments, amazing singing of any and every cover, comedy, and audience participation. It was hilarious and fun! Dave said he could go all the time! Great times with great friends. Thanks Sean and Carlie for such a great time!

Note: After our fun, late night, and with kids to sleep we got a reprieve from the trailer and spent the night on a King size bed (full length!) in a real house. Ah, the simple things in life!

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June 10, 2010

Travels: 210 miles driving around (4166 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at Jellystone RV Park

Mackenzie’s fever broke last night around 10pm – odd sickness: throw up, high fever and sleep all day, fever breaks. This morning she felt better, so we decided to venture out to Boulder for the afternoon. We walked around the Pearl Street mall: grabbed a bite to eat, watched a contortionist fit himself into a box and tube among other things, window shop, and let the kids play at the various kid play areas. Then, we decided to follow the river that runs through Boulder west up into the mountains and take the “back-way” back to Castle Rock. It was a very scenic drive, topped off with a bear running across the road RIGHT in front of us – so exciting!

Since we arrived back in the Denver area on the late side, we stopped at The Cheesecake Factory for a small bite and some ice cream (yeah for gift cards!) On the drive back to the campground from Lone Tree we saw a double rainbow. Do you know what I mean by “double rainbow”? One full rainbow with another full rainbow on the outside of it. Wow, a bear and a double rainbow all in one day! What are the chances?

Marin: “I tell Omie I see the bear.” “I tell Omie, Granddad.”
Mackenzie: “I will tell Grandma and Terry.”
Mason: “I will tell Grandpa and Grandma Linda.”

Courtney: “I just can’t get used to the speed limits around here: 75 in the Denver area, 65 on some highways, 60 on others, and then 55 on others…”

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June 9, 2010

Travels: 70 miles driving around (3956 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at Jellystone RV Park

We woke up  to a very windy day and a sick six-year old. Mackenzie complained of feeling bad from the time she woke up, and around 8am she threw up showing us just how sick she felt. Poor thing! So, tentative plans to explore Boulder today were put off in exchange for a day at camp. I took Marin and did a bit more grocery shopping at Whole Foods which was also just a nice outing. After lunch Dave took Mason to wash the truck and hang out. It was nice to be in – I made muffins and baked oatmeal for the morning, did my Bible study, read, and played with the kids. Poor Kenz continued to have a high fever all day and got in a lot of sleeping. We will see how she is tomorrow. After dinner and with the kids to bed, I sat out in our campsite and read Omnivore’s Dilemma. It was so relaxing – cool breeze, clear sky, quiet, alone.

Dinner for the menu lovers: Chili/Cheese/Black Bean/Tomato Enchiladas topped with sour cream, avocado, and these yummy jalapenos*; Green Salad; and fresh apricots.

*Jalapeno tip: La Preferida Organic Jalapeno slices (mild or hot) from Whole Foods – AMAZING!!- thanks for sharing these with us Sean and Carlie!
Ingredients: Organic Jalapeno Peppers, water, organic vinegar, sea salt. Price: $2.99

One of our less eventful days. Please pray that the rest of us don’t contract this sickness, that it isn’t passed onto friends, and for quick healing for Kenz – she felt bad today!!

Mackenzie: “I’m so thirsty. Can I please have something to drink yet?” “I do not want ANYTHING to eat.”

Mason: “I am so tired. I’m going to go to sleep and skip dinner.” {his response the minute he learns he has to eat enchiladas for dinner – which he proceeded to eat coupled with a huge pile of jalapenos, all of his salad and an apricot.}

Marin: “Too spicy.” {coupled with hands covering the mouth; this is after she has been eating her enchilada and hears Mason say that they are spicy.}

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June 8, 2010

Travels: 46 miles driving around (3886 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at Jellystone RV Park

After a mellow morning catching up on the blog, coloring, etc. we headed off to the Leach’s house. Carlie and I took the kids and went grocery shopping at Sprouts (a cross between Vons, Trader Joe’s, and Lassens) and then back to her house to let the kids play, take showers, and do laundry! Dave headed off to Starbucks to get some work done. We had a yummy lasagna, french bread, and salad dinner – thanks Carlie! Then, we enjoyed a great thunderstorm from their back porch. Our kids have had a great time playing with their kids.

Washed, fed, and laundered we headed back to the trailer. Kids to bed. Dave and I to movie.

Mason: “I want a door to my room instead of a slidy thing.” “I want a door that slides open by itself.”

Mackenzie: “Are we on top of a mountain?”

Courtney: “A travel struggle is finding a place to be alone for a minute or access to what you need when you need it. Dave is working on the bed which is also the “door” to my closet and such.”

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June 7, 2010

Travels: 217 miles driving around (3840 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at Jellystone RV Park

Today started out as a hard day!! The kids were cranky; I was cranky; Dave was gone for part of the day. After unavailing attempts at coloring, slime (which just turned into a huge mess)… we all went our own ways. Mackenzie and Mason just wanted to be alone, as did I… and we are in a 27’x8′ trailer where there aren’t many places to be alone. Finally, I settled into dishes, Mackenzie into reading a book in our campsite, Mason playing Legos outside, and Marin napping. We all need a bit of space, quiet, downtime, alone time… pretty good to have gone 24 days without reaching this point.

The rest of the day: After lunch, we loaded into the car and headed out to Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs (a short 30 minute drive). It was 100 degrees with some much appreciated rain. We walked around the main loop and checked out the interesting rock formations, appreciating the bright red. Back in the car, we made a quick stop at Whole Foods (they don’t have Trader Joe’s in Colorado).

We roasted hot dogs on the grill outside the trailer for dinner which was fun – hot dogs, veggies with hummus – a yummy dinner. I got a shower and then headed off to Carlie’s – she treated me to a pedicure and then I hung out for her girl’s night of drinks, treats, and The Bachlorette. After today, this was a much needed outing… 24 days of no breaks from husband or children. Is that a record of some kind?

Mackenzie: “Can we go swimming again?” “I finished it!” (another book completed).

Mason: “Watch me jump!” “This rocks small.”

Marin: “No Mama, I do it.” “No I tooted.” “I drive it.” (with our car keys in hand)

Courtney: “This trailer is too small.” “Ah, nice pretty toes make me feel so much better.”

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