Travels: 34 miles driving around (3557 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at Jellystone RV Park
We met our friends Sean and Carlie (from back home) at their house this morning and headed off to a yummy breakfast at a golf course in Castle Pines. After a yummy and filling meal (yeah for good food out!) we headed off to a farmer’s market in Aurora getting the tour of the area on the way. Farmer’s Market there was much different than Ventura – much less produce and more “extras”- clothes, soap, salsa, bread, tamales, etc. Then, back to Sean and Carlie’s house for playtime for the kids, nap time for Marin, grocery shopping for the moms, and yard work for the dads. (Sounds like “normal” life, huh?)
Later, we prepared some sandwiches, veggies, and cherries and headed off to Daniel’s Park for a picnic with an amazing view. We rounded out the evening with a beer on their deck while the kids continued to have fun playing.
On our drive back to camp we watched a great lightening show over the mountains. When we parked we could hear the thunder after the diesel had quieted down. So fun to see thunder and lightening! We headed off to the bathrooms and upon exiting we were greeted with POURING rain which drenched us as we ran back to the trailer. Lightening flashed all around us and the thunder BOOMED, and the rain drenched with HUGE rain drops. It was fun! And then about as quickly as the rain came, it left.
Note: Sunset picture used without permission from Carlie. This is the view from their deck just after we left.
June 6, 2010
Travels: 66 miles driving around (3623 total miles)
Accommodations: Continued at Jellystone RV Park
After a nice lunch, we went to their community pool. It was a hot day so perfect for a day at the pool. We all went swimming and played and rested a bit. It is fun, since it is a community pool they know lots of people there, so I met some of their friends and had some much needed mom conversations!! After the pool, we cleaned up, rested for a bit, and then went to dinner in Denver at Pizza Republica. It was great food!!
Then, back to the trailer to hit the hay!